07/11/2021 13:11:46    0 Comments

5. Personalised - Garden Shed Wooden Sign

Whats the first thing that pops into your head when thinking about mayday? For us, its all about the traditional dancing and throwing ribbons around the may day pole! We don't sell many ribbons here at guess what i forgot, we do sell cheap peronsalised gifts that come with ribbon though! Not only does this cheap novelty gift come with ribbon, but you can also stick whatever name you want on it!

4. Ring For Tea Bell

Other than watching people wrap ribbon around a pole, what's the best thing about May Day? Morris dancing, of course! And what's a morris dance without bells! If you don't have a bell to jingle about, then this is the novelty gift to get if you want to partake in the great tradition that is morris dancing!

3. Borat Mankini

What else do you need to become a Morris dancer? A pair of suspenders, of course! We don't really sell any articles of clothing that will keep your trousers up to your belly button, but we do sell a Borat mankini that sure looks like a pair of suspenders!

2. Ring For A Refill

Morris Dancers have more than one set of bells! One silly little tea bell won't be enough if you really want to get into the may day vibes! Ring this bell every time you require a refill (or every time you spill a drop from all the silly dancing you're going to be doing with other bell covered men)

1. Will Break Dance For Biscuits

Not in the spirit of May Day? Don't fancy dressing up like a weirdo and dancing around a pole and hitting people with sticks and bells for a fair few hours? But what if it was break dancing instead of morris dancing, and you didn't look like a bell end? Would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit?

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