07/11/2021 13:44:10    0 Comments

5. Red Food Mixer Kitchen Timer

Cooking up some tasty healthy treats to stick in you and your families tum tum, but don't want to be waiting on the clock or forgetting when to take the yummy healthy treats out? Then worry no longer, with this simple kitchen timer, you'll be able to set an alarm for all of your time based cooking needs! Doesn't matter if you're cooking up a fresh stir fry, or even a low fat lasanga, with this novelty kitchen timer, you'll never burn your food ever again!

4. Mini Chopping Boards

Fruits and vegetables can be hard to eat in one go, they also don't tend to cook very well when they're not chopped up! the solution? Chop them up! But make sure you use a chopping board, you don't want to be ruining your work top! Make sure you have a novelty chopping board like these minis! You can chop nearly everything on them! Cucumbers, Cheese, Carrots, Onions, are more! (pretty much anything you can think of!)

3. Dinner Digger

Ever wanted to hold more than just one piece of fruit on your spoon given at any one moment? Want to eat your meals like a real man? Then you need this large-portion-manly-novelty-spoon! Simply dig into your favourite meal with the spoon, and enjoy your meal! Large portions aren't exactly healthy, but as long as you only have a few scoops full of fruit and other healthy foods, we're sure that you'll be fine!

2. BBQ Sword

Want a tasty hot and fresh BBQ without all the calories that come with all the high fat meats and sides? It's OK to treat yourself once in a while, but if you're still concerned your waistline, don't! With this BBQ sword, you can stick pretty much anything you want on the BBQ! Create your very own kebab! Stick a bit of pepper, mushrooms, courgette and tomato, and you're ready to go! A simple, cheap and delicious meal every time!

1. Diet Kit

They say eating your food more slowly makes you feel fuller quicker! Well, you'll be extraordinarily lucky to be able to eat anything with these pieces of cutlery! The spoon has a hole, the fork doesn't work, and the knife doesn't cut!

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