07/11/2021 13:33:24    0 Comments

Sow and Grow - Magical Fairy Flowers

Do you believe in fairies? If you do, then this is the novelty gift for you to buy! Inside this novelty pack of flowers, you’re going to find all the plants needed to attract fairies into your garden. Including a packet of poppy seeds, a packet of fairy mix flower seeds, 3 coconut husk starter pots and a sown and grow booklet so all your plants can grow into the best they can be! A perfect novelty gift for those who still believe in fairies!

Old Age Cook Book

Has the tooth fairy taken away all your teeth and replaced them with stacks of cash? If that answer is yes, then you need to start spending that cash and buy some cheap novelty gifts so you can start eating again! Inside you’re going to find a number of recipes perfect for those who don’t have teeth anymore. And best of all, this novelty book is as cheap as chips! For less than a fiver, what more could you ask for? Make sure you get your Tooth fairy money’s worth this cheap novelty gift!

Penalty Charge Notice - Parking Prank

Ever wished that there was a traffic warden whenever you see a poorly parked car? It could be that they’ve taken up two spaces, or that they’ve made it impossible for you to be able to get into your driver’s seat, either way, with this cheap and practical novelty gift, you can become your very own parking fairy! Simply write up whatever you want inside the packet, stick it on their wind shield, and watch as they mildly panic about how they’re going to pay the fine before they finally realise it’s only a joke! The perfect novelty gift for those who are sick of tiresome, and irrational drivers!

Samurai Knife Set

If these novelty gifts do manage to bring fairies into your garden, then you should probably this novelty gift too, a set of samurai knives! Why would you need knives, I hear you ask? Simple! Fairies are traditionally evil. Before Disney though it was a good idea to make them nice and cute to sell toys and films, they were evil, vindictive arseholes that people went out of their way to try and get rid of! They were known for vandalising and even attacking people!

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